Get Involved


Volunteers are the heart of our work in Aisling Project.

We are fortunate to have amazing people supporting our work to improve the lives of disadvantaged young people in Ballymun. As our programmes continue to expand, we continue to look for new people to join our team. To learn more about volunteering at Aisling Project or to apply for a volunteer position, visit our Volunteer page:

Corporate Sponsors

Corporate sponsors strengthen our vision.

Aisling Project offers businesses and their employees the chance to be involved in a meaningful local charity. Together, we impact the lives of many children and young people in our community. To find out more, visit our Corporate Sponsors page.


We’re grateful for your support.

Aisling Project is a state and privately-funded charity. We are reliant on and grateful for the support of our generous donors. To contribute to our vision of providing a safe space for the children and young people of Ballymun, donate online today: